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Razorlight Windows 7 Ultimate N x86 Power Edition (2009/ENG + RUS LP)

Вашему вниманию предлагается 32-х битная версия замечательной сборки от Razorsedge (NewAge OS TEAM) основаная на оригинальном финальном образе Windows 7 OEM Ultimate N x86 7600.16385.090713-1255. (indows 7 Ultimate N - специальная версия от Microsoft, в которой по умолчанию удалены Internet Exploprer, Media center и Windows media player) Сборке присвоены оригинальный стиль оформления (много тем, звуков и курсоров), интегрированы все нужные твики реестра, для обеспечения максимальной производительности системы. Сборка полностью рабочая, система тщательно оттестирована. Присутствует небольшой WPI и Windows 7 N feature Pack (обновления) - в отдельном архиве

Год выпуска: 2009
Версия: 7600.16385
Платформа: x86
Разработчик: Microsoft/Razorsedge (NewAge OS TEAM)
Язык интерфейса: ENG +
Размер файла: 2,96 GB

Системные требования:
-CPU: 1.5 GHz 32/64-bit
-VIDEO: with support for DirectX 9 and 128 MB of memory (for the theme Aero)
-RAM: 512 MB и больше
-HDD: 15 GB (6 GB Space)

От автора (Razorsedge):
This is my most complete build to date. The build is not an unattended install this way you are able to enter your name, time zone ect. on setup. There is very few tweaks installed by default, and just a few services tweaked you will find a registry file on your desktop in a folder to be applied after install for all your main tweaks as in take ownership, context menu add's and speed up options they will be listed below in the post.

The wpi contains not only a great selection of programs but also a large selection of tweaks to be applied so you can tweak windows just as you would like it. These tweaks and applications will also be listed below. This build gives you full control to set it up as you would like.

For all the gamers out there I have included links for the Microsoft feature pack for Windows 7 N x64 and a small app to integrate the update if you wish this will install windows media player and some other media dll's on your system that will be required for some games to function properly.

Themes added
Aero Diamond, Alternative, Alternative2, Black Glass, BlackHorizon, BlackLineInTheHorizon, BlueMoon, Capriccio7, Carbon, Dark7 Ultimate,
Dark7mix, Dark-Green, Delicate(new add), dESATURATED, Elegant GRAY, Elegant GRAY2, Elegant GRAY Minimal, ElegantBlack, Embed, Funk, GRAY ICE, GRiMSTYLE, Ka7ana Stealth, Leopard OSX, Myaero, Neon, NEXTlevel, OnlyBlack, Proto, Q4-iTunes vs W7, Q4MOD, QuickSilver, Razor, RazorBlack, RazorBlack2
RedFusion, Seven Aero Shine Black, Seven Max Clear Live Black, SiCo, Simple, SlanXP2, Snow 7, soft7, Steel Fusion, ThaImpact, Tytynono,
Verdesh SteelFlash, Victorian Glass, VK, Windows 7 Blend (new add), Windows7 Final, Yellow Fusion (new add), Xero

Addons Integrated
- Reapers 7-Zip 9.07 x86
- Core Temp Control Panel Addon x86
- DreamSceneWin7 x86
- Open Command Prompt Shell Extension x86
- Reapers Autoruns 9.56 Windows7 Control Panel AddOn
- Windows 7 Tweaker
- Reapers IP Configuration Manager (new add)

- Patched themes
- UAC Disabled
- DEP (Data Execution Prevention) Disabled (AlwaysOff)
- Power scheme High performance
- Show hidden files and folders = Yes
- Show extensions for known file types = Yes

Services Disabled these can be enabled
BFE = Disabled
IPHLPSVC = Disabled
P2PIMSVC = Disabled
P2PSVC = Disabled
PCASVC = Manual
PNRPSVC = Disabled
WERSVC = Disabled
WINRM = Disabled
WPCSVC = Disabled
WSEARCH = Disabled
The services listed above are the remote services and home group along with windows search nothing else has been modified all other services are
left on default.

Updates Integrated
KB973525, KB974571, KB975467, KB974431

Registry tweaks in desktop folder
Command Prompt Here
Take Ownership of any File or Directory
Register DLL/OCX/AX
Adds Registry Editor right click of MY Computer
Adds Device Manager to right click of MY Computer
Adds Control Panel to right click of MY Computer
Adds Control Panel to right click of MY Computer
Adds LogOff to right click of MY Computer
Adds Reboot to right click of MY Computer
Adds Shutdown to right click of MY Computer
Add 'Control Panel' Option
Add 'Device Manager' Option
Add 'Manage' Option
Add 'Programs' Option
Add 'Registry Editor' Option
Add 'Services' Option
Add 'Task Manager' Option
Add Advanced_User Accounts
Add copy to move to
Desktop and Shutdown speedup tweaks

Individual tweaks these tweaks most have the option to enable and disable

Boot Speed:
Boot Optimize (xalex) - Optimize system files at boot time (default is off). Performing necessary, in a few days (after optimization) is accelerated to boot.
Scandisk (xalex) - Reduce the time to start the disk check at system startup (Scandisk) to 5 seconds. By default, 10 seconds.
Prefetch (xalex) - Cache files at boot time (optimal). By default, everything is cached.

Flip3D (Kuzya Marinin) - Places in the context menu function Flip3D. Flip3D lets see a picture of each running application in a reduced form and switch between them.
Aero Shake (Angel of Despair) - Disabling Aero Shake (feature that lets you close all inactive applications by mouse movement. For its activation is sufficient to capture the title bar and a little "shake" left-right).
Hover Time speed (Kuzya Marinin) - Accelerating the opening menus and windows preview applications.
Thumbnail Cache (xalex) - Disable caching of images (thumbnails).
No Shortcut (xalex) - Do not add "Shortcut to ..." when creating new shortcuts.
Disk Space Check (xalex) - Disable checking free disk space (will not be yelling "little space on the disk!").
Auto Restart Shell (xalex) - conductor on error.
SmartClick (Tramperdk) - Allows you to put in the context menu of any program or folder.
No Arrow (loginvovchyk) - Removes the arrows on shortcuts.
Logon Changer (Tweaks.com) - Changes the background of the login.
Icon Streams clear (Kuzya Marinin) - Remove obsolete elements in the system tray.
Ctfmon fix (Kuzya Marinin) - Restore the Language bar.

System speed:
Last Access (xalex) - Start recording the last access to the files (default off). Need to see the last time they access the file.
Dr. Watson Disable (xalex) - Disable kernel debugger Dr.Watson. Frees system resources, slightly faster system performance.
IRQ8 Priority (xalex) - Increase the priority of interrupts IRQ8 (increases the speed of the system).
Large System Cache (xalex) - Streamline (increase) system cache. Include only if volume more than 1GB of memory!
Paging Executive (xalex) - Leaving the system kernel in memory (not to throw in the paging file is disabled by default). Speeds up the system, reduces the number of disk accesses.
Hiber off (Kuzya Marinin) - Turn off hibernation, thus osvabozhdaet on the hard drive up to 2 GB.
UAC off (Kuzya Marinin) - Disabling UAC (User Account Control) without having to reboot.
No Report (xalex) - Do not send to Microsoft error reporting.

Up and Download (xalex) - Accelerate Download and Upload. It speeds up the network and the Internet (especially on high-speed connections).
Disable IPv6 (xalex) - Disabling protocol IPv6. It can speed up the network and the Internet.
DisableTeredo (xalex) - Disable proxy Teredo. It can speed up the network and the Internet.

Disable DEP (xalex) - Function DEP is disabled for the entire system, regardless of hardware support for DEP. Can prevent departures in BSOD (blue screen of death).
Super Hidden (xalex) - Show hidden files.
Fix for games (xalex) - Allows you to install games require SP1, SP2 or SP3.
Aero CMD (Komalo) - Makes the command prompt window (CMD) "Fiberglass".
Aero PowerShell (CompuGeek Software) - Makes the window PowerShell "Fiberglass".
Empty folder (Domovou) - Allows you to delete all the contents of the folder.
Taskbar Jumplist (Hedgehog) - Allows you to create your own dzhamplisty with any content on superbare.
Disable Libraries (Vishal Gupta for AskVG.com) - Allows you to remove all references from the Explorer to the folder Library.
WST Place Fan (Kuzya Marinin) - Allows you to quickly jump to the site through the context menu).
Windows Calendar (Microsoft, finalized Kuzya Marinin) - Calendar from the Windows Vista, fully working in Windows 7.
VHDMount (???) - Allows you to connect and disconnect virtual VHD-drives.
Aero Controller (Tom Parkison) - Automatic inclusion \ disable Aero interface in the transition to work from the network \ batteries.
Become owner * (???) - Allows you to become the owner and ask the full access to the object.(new add)

VirusTotal Uploader

Universal TCPIP Patch x86

Tweaking Apps
7Tweak 1.4.1
Argente Utilities
Enhance My 7
MZ Ultimate Tweaker
Sette Maxer Win 7 tweaker
Stardock Tweak 7 3.11 free
Tweak Star
Windows 7 manager 1.1.4 x86
Windows 7 Power Tool Ultimate 2.3
Winsecret 150 Windows 7 tweaker
Wintuning 7 1.02
XDM tweaker
Advanced system Optimizer - Acen
Power pack 1.7.1 - AMC
WinASO Easy tweak 3.0 - Acen
MicroangeloToolset6 - AMC
Power Pack - 1.7.1 - Acen
Windows 7 Toolkit 1.8

Desktop apps
Microangelo on Display 6.10.70 x86
Object Dock free
7 Stacks 1.5 b1
Logon Screen Rotator
Rocket Dock

Aimp2 Mega Pack 2.60.507.1
VSO ConvertXToDVD v3.8.0.193j
Alcohol 120%
Daemon Tools 4.35.5 lite
Easy CD DVD Cover Creator 4.13 - Acen
FireFox 3.5.4 special edition - neuropass
Foxit Reader v3.1.2.1013
Internet Download Manager V5.18 Build 4

Kels CPLBonus x86
(Kels cpl bonus includes)
CPU-Z v1.5.2.2
GPU-Z v0.3.6
HD Tune v2.55
HP USB format tool v2.18
HWmonitor v1.14
Malicious software removal tool
MemTest v4.0
Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard
Microsoft TimeZone <-- Requires .NET Framework
MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4
Microsoft Config
Smart Driver Backup v2.12
Startup v2.8 CPL
Services and Devices v2.7
User Accounts 2 CPL
Windows Version (Winver)

KMPlayer v2.9.4.1436
LockHunter 1.0b3 x64 - Unlocker for x86 systems
Windows Live Messenger Special Edition - neuropass
MyDefrag v4.2.3 - BigB
Notepad 2 x86
Notepad ++ 5.5.1 - BigB
Reapers Adobe Shockwave
Rocket Dock 1.3.5 - Neuropass
K Lite Mega Codec pack 5.4.0 (new add)
SPTD V1.62 x86
UltraISO Premium
VirtualBox301054077 x86
WinRAR v3.90 Pro x86
Google Chrome 4022311
FireFox 3.6.1 beta
HashTab V3.0.0
Kantaris Media Player 0.6.2
K Lite Video Converter160 - Acen
Opera 100 1F
QuickTime Lite 3.01
QuickTime Alternative 3.01
Real Alternative 201
Direct X x86 August
Direct X Managed 1.1
Safari 403
SeaMonkey 20F
Winamp 5.56 Build 2512
Your Uninstaller 6.3.2009.11
CPU speed pro 3033
Flash Shockwave AIO - Flash Player and Shockwave player all in one
Flock 255
Java 6.17
Firefox 3.5.5 normal
TuneUp Utilities 2010 9.0.2000.16
The Universal Decoder Pack x86
AMD Overdrive 3.10 (new add)
CPU Tweaker 1.3 b4 (new add)
Raxco PerfectDisk x86 v10.00 Build-124 -(new add)- Acen
Unlocker V1.8.8 (new add) - Acen

Таблэтка: Присутствует отдельно  
MD5: 4632c263a2b44e5d9cb49bc7f1e6e167

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Категория: Windows | Просмотров: 574 | Автор: inneska_z - Сказать ему

Новости по теме: Windows Vista Ultimate Cyborg Gamerz Edition x86 SP2 (2009/ENG + RUS MUI)
Windows XP SP3 KANE Edition x-86 (2009/RUS)
Windows 7 xDark™ Deluxe x64 v3.4 RG State of Independence (2010/ENG + RUS LP)
ZverDVD v.9.4.4 (обновления по 24 апреля 2009)
Windows 7 Build 7600 x86 ©Staforce (07-11-2009/DE-EN-RU)
Windows 7 7231 x86 RU от TelovozWAREZ & xalex Финал от 15.06.2009
Windows 7 Максимальная SP1 Basic Edition v01.11 x86 by lloyd_1 (2011/Rus)
Windows® XP Sp3 WinSoft™ 2010 Anniversary Edition v1.10.10 ( Январь 2010 г.) + DriverPacks
Windows 7 Ultimate RTM x32 Retali Rus 2010
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 v.3.0.2 MacOS Style by HoBo-Group (2011/RUS/ENG)
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